Monday, January 17, 2005

New bibliography on the New Perspective on Paul

Michael F. Byrd has posted a bibliographic essay on the New Perspective on Paul at The Paul Page.

What is this new perspective? At its core is the recognition that Judaism is not a religion of self-righteousness whereby humankind seeks to merit salvation before God. Paul's argument with the Judaizers was not about Christian grace versus Jewish legalism. His argument was rather about the status of Gentiles in the church. Paul's doctrine of justification, therefore, had far more to do with Jewish-Gentile issues than with questions of the individual's status before God.

Although the New Perspective has been around for a couple of decades, I didn't run across it till a couple of years ago when I read the groundbreaking article in the field: Krister Stendahl's "The Apostle Paul and the Introspective Conscience of the West." I haven't found the article itself online, but The Paul Page has an excellent review by Bill DeJong.


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