Thursday, April 20, 2006

Praise God for the most unnatural of things

The resurrection is unlike anything in Nature. It is the most un-natural of events. If God is a great iconoclast then God wants to undo all of our idolatry. The resurrection is the [ultimate] inconoclastic event. Jesus makes a mess of all our categories, all our thinking, all our boxes of the way things are. He is new creation, new humanity, new life. Whatever we want Him to be like is an idol or an icon, merely an image. Our destiny, like Israel's, was "to be turned away from likenesses to the thing itself." Here is real life. Jesus' resurrected life is no mere patch on an old problem. He is not a fix. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one will come to the Father but through Him. Thank God that he is the Way and has provided a Way for all humanity to live. The most natural of things is death. May we embrace the Miraculous event of Jesus and be transformed in Him.


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