Monday, June 05, 2006

The miracle that kept the party rolling

This one is a refreshing drink of water on a hot day: Brian Colmery reminds us that Jesus began his ministry at a party:

Jesus went to a party. And his first miracle--ever--was done so that the party could keep going. Something about being enjoyable to be around, about learning to relax and have a good time and really enjoy life and people and God's working in all the things around us, is missing these days. We're too busy being busy to remember that God Himself put value on enjoying life. Take the serious things seriously, but never forget that you're not in control, and a lot of being faithful and obedient involves learning how to sit back and enjoy the ride God has you on.


Update: Dan McGowan offers some related thoughts at Common Saints.

Update 2: Mick Porter directed me to this sermon by Tim Keller on the same pericope.


Blogger Dan McGowan said...

The original "kegger" perhaps? Okay, that was a joke... I love this... we seem to lose perspective all the time on this whole matter of living abundantly... are we really called to ALWAYS be serious/boring? No! Of course not. Yet this is how many of us act and then project onto others... you know the types in our churches who sit back smugly in the pew and raise an eyebrow when someone (gasp) feels led by the Lord to actually lift their hands in worship or - dare I say it - DANCE?

All of our Christian walk is certainly not meant to be "a party." On the other hand, do we really want to go to an ETERNAL DWELLING PLACE where everyone sits around frowning?

I just wrote about a similar thread on this topic on my blog... check it out... (well, it was 2 days ago... look for the drawing of The Partridge Family - yeah, you read that right...)

7:45 AM, June 06, 2006  
Blogger Milton Stanley said...

Until I read Brian's post, it had never occurred to me that Jesus kept the party going with his miracle. I can't see into people's hearts, of course, but from the best I can discern, the closer we draw to God, the less we're concerned about taking ourselves seriously.

I'm on my way over to CS to read your post. Peace.

6:55 PM, June 06, 2006  
Blogger Mick Porter said...

Thanks Milton, there are some great thoughts there.

I linked to this and recommended another resource on this one.

6:08 AM, June 07, 2006  
Blogger Michael Russell said...

I suppose the effect of Jesus' sign was to "keep the party going" (weddings lasted a week at that time) but He also transformed the water for another reason: it was the responsibility of the guests, not the bridal party, to provide the wine for the festivities.

To not have enough wine would have been insulting to the newlyweds; Jesus, by providing the wine, demonstrated His own blessing on as well as provision for the institution of marriage. It also served to demonstrate the superiority of the New over the Old, a predominant theme in Scripture.

Keeping the party going was a secondary issue. That is not to say it was not an important issue, but it was not the chief purpose of this first of seven signs John includes in his biography of Jesus. Let's not ignore the incidentals, but let's not elevate them or dwell upon them too much.

5:00 PM, June 07, 2006  
Blogger Milton Stanley said...

I agree, Mike. Keeping the party going was secondary. What I liked about Brian's post, though, is that he points out an important point: that Jesus was probably not as boring and anti-enjoyment of life as many Christians. Thanks for your comments.

9:21 PM, June 08, 2006  
Blogger Milton Stanley said...

Thanks, Mick. I don't usually listen to online sermons, but I'm listening to it right now. Peace.

9:27 PM, June 08, 2006  

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