Friday, January 05, 2007

Resisting the "Christian-Industrial Complex"

Michael Spencer is on to something when he writes about a "Christian-industrial complex" that fosters a product-focused discipleship of Osteen, Warren, Kincaid, Jabez, Moore, and Lucado products:
1) the marketers are effectively leading evangelicalism through the high powered, high financed marketing of these products, 2) actual pastors are doing little to provide alternatives to this kind of marketing, but are often using these marketing promotions as the sources for sermon series and worship themes, and 3) the evangelicals buying these products are virtually without the ability to discern what is happening to the Biblical concepts of the Christian life and discipleship.
iMonk calls on Christians in North America to pull away from the allure of mega-marketing:
Get yourself and your families out of this mess. Look at what’s happening and say NO to it. Pastors: Talk to your people about books worth reading. Get your sermons from the Bible, not some marketer. Critique the fads. Most of all, present the savior and the call to follow him. Tell Lifeway to take their next marketing ploy to the shredder. Resist the remaking of the Christian faith into buying stuff, wearing stuff, going to stuff, doing programs and spending money. Remake your Christian experience this year into something that’s not just another fad. Get angry if you need to, or just quietly say “I’m not part of this anymore.” Get off the train and walk. Wave at the sheep on their way to the next sheep convention to get a sheep shirt and a bag of sheep books.
Amen. (HT: The Upward Way Press)


Blogger Milton Stanley said...

You're welcome, Phil. Thanks for your encouraging words both here and at Christ Formed. Peace.

9:51 AM, January 05, 2007  

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