Sunday, June 03, 2007

Grace as generosity

Mark Lauterbach has written an outstanding little series on the Generosity of Jesus. Here's a sample from Part 2:
No one ever came or was brought to Jesus with a need who left disappointed. There was no checklist to see if they were fully orthodox, or morally pure. If there were conditions in us for the receiving of grace, it would never be given. No, he overflowed with goodness and grace. He healed thousands, if not tens of thousands, of their diverse diseases. He indiscriminately taught truth to all who would listen. The only people he did not heal were those who refused to admit their need.
Amen. Part 1 is also worth reading, and here's a sample from Part 3:
Understanding the generosity of Jesus has practical consequences:

Do I seek and welcome the lost to meet with Jesus? Do I want to introduce my fellow-sinners to the riches of his blood bought grace? Or am I offended by their sin and so careful in my associations with them that the message is clear: grace is available, but you have to meet certain qualifications to get to it?


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