Monday, October 08, 2007

Taking time for imagination

Peter Mead urges preachers to take the time to make the Word come alive in the minds of our hearers:
Just because a clear image comes into your mind as you read a text, do not assume others see it clearly or at all. Take time to describe what the text is referring to, not only so people have the facts, but so they can see it in their minds. Careful and vivid, specific and focused description will eventually lead to an image emerging in the shadows of their minds. This will take some time. If you are preaching about Paul’s thorn in the flesh, take the time to help people enter into the reality of a thorn in the flesh. If you are preaching a story with a terrifying storm, do what it takes for people not only to know about bad storms, but see the waves in their minds, to feel their hearts racing and their breathing become shallow.
Sounds like good advice.


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