Thursday, February 14, 2008


What does it really mean to "confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord"?
Unfortunately, many Christians today cheapen what it means to be a follower of Christ and think that it is all about words. Just say it, get that warm fuzzy feeling, and you are in – you’re a Christian who will be saved. Because it is “just words,” many continue living for themselves and actually demonstrate very little change. Oh, maybe they go to church a few times each month. But what about the radical change? What about being all-in? What about complete obedience, boldly sharing the gospel, putting on the mind of Christ, and completely changing what you say and do. What about giving every aspect of your being to follow Christ – even when it hurts?

We need to be careful to not throw around Romans 10:9 casually. When we use this scripture make sure we, and those we share it with, understand that confessing “Jesus is Lord” is an all-in proposition that requires our everything and must completely and forever change us. Don’t just give Christ lip service, give him your life. That is what he demands.
Amen. The long quote above, by the way, is from Eric Jones.


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