Monday, September 08, 2008

Learning to preach "want to" sermons

Bryan Wilkerson writes about moving from "have to" to "want to" sermons:
Unfortunately, most sermons. . . fail to address the want-to factor in people's lives. They focus instead on what Dallas Willard calls "sin management"—teaching people how to grow, exhorting people to grow more, and warning people what will happen if they don't grow. The problem with such preaching is that it causes listeners to fixate on their fallenness and failures, establishing a self-fulfilling prophecy that often leads to more and deeper failure.

Yes, our fallen nature and sinful tendencies need to be exposed and addressed. The harsh realities and inevitable disappointments of life should not be glossed over by Pollyanna preaching. But when people are presented a compelling vision of what their lives can look like under the rule of God, they will be inspired to pursue that better future.
Sounds right to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Sounds right to me."

Me too. Christ centered - forgiveness centered- "now that you don't have to do anything...what will you do.?"
(a question my pastor asks every now and then)

12:08 AM, September 10, 2008  
Blogger Milton Stanley said...


10:21 AM, September 10, 2008  

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