Monday, September 22, 2008

Part of the story

I’Ching Thomas nails it here:
The gospel is often condensed into a story that affirms the basics of our faith: God loves us and has a wonderful plan for us. But we have sinned and are therefore separated from Him. Jesus Christ on the Cross is the answer to our predicament, and if we will accept him as our personal savior, we will have eternal life.

Though accurate in what it highlights, such a simplified presentation can wrongly convey the idea that the gospel is primarily about our own fulfillment and satisfaction. “God loves YOU and has a wonderful plan for YOU.” “Live your best life now!” Such a shortened story seems to place us in the center of the message and not Jesus.

On the contrary, the heart of both the Old and New Testaments is the fulfillment of God’s plan. The story of our redemption is God’s complete and multifaceted movement among history and people and nations. It cannot be reduced to mere highlights without compromising the story. What about the resurrection of Christ? What about his return and the promise of our own resurrection? What about the new heaven and new earth? There are many books that make up the Bible, all of which tell a part of a great and magnificent story.”
Amen (HT: finding grace).


Blogger Royce Ogle said...

It is noteworthy that the apostles were arrested and beaten because they preached Jesus had been raised from the dead. The bodily resurrection of Jesus is the bedrock of our faith and the gospel is not...minus the resurrection.


8:03 PM, September 22, 2008  
Blogger Milton Stanley said...

Yes, indeed; without the bodily resurrection of Jesus the gospel is not good news at all. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Royce. Peace.

9:45 AM, September 23, 2008  

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