Friday, September 04, 2009

Looking forward and back

Peter Mead has posted an outstanding short essay on preaching and modernity. Here's a sample:
You could probably list concerns about postmodernity, most Christian readers can. Hopefully you could also list opportunities that it presents to us as the church. But lest any of us simply dig in to fight against postmodernity, let’s not hold a rose-tinted view of what has gone before. As well as recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of what is coming, let’s also recognize strengths and weaknesses of what we may be leaving behind. It was not a golden age to which we must seek a return. The Bible, of course, is not anti-rational, incoherent or unthinking. Yet it is not merely rational. It goes much deeper. So must our preaching. While some may seem to check their rationality at the door, let’s not fight for rationality at the expense of every other aspect of the human soul’s functioning.
At four paragraphs, the whole thing is worth reading.


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