Thursday, April 28, 2005

What have we really lost?

Amid a resurgence of popular interest in so-called "lost" writings about Jesus, Paul McCain warns against looking for truth in these works (which, somehow, the church long ago decided to reject):

The Devil is creative, that's for sure. If he can not steal away people from the Faith by getting them to reject it, or ignore it, or otherwise disregard it, he will plant in their minds the idea that there is really something MORE out there. Wait a minute....creative? Nope, just a variation on his classic trick of bait and switch. "If you eat shall be like God!" In other words, there IS something more out there and God is keeping you from it. How dare He? What kind of God is He who would keep you from what will REALLY satisfy.

And so we have in recent years had a spate of speculation about the "Hidden Gospels." One scholar, Elaine Pagels, has made a mint on fobbing off the so called "missing Gospels" on an uneducated and ignorant public. The DaVinci Code novel has captivated people with its suggestions of Christ's marriage, hidden secrets and so forth. All this is nothing more, or less, than warmed over heresy.

Pastors and churches today need to warn their flocks in no uncertain terms about these things. They are soul-destroying and faith-corrupting errors which, if taken to heart, will result in a person's eternal torment and death in hell fire. It's just that serious.

Yes it is.


Blogger Keith Brenton said...

In fact, the better part of those so-called "lost gospels" are Gnostic in nature and origin - and Gnosticism was one of the threats Satan threw at the first century church. It glorified knowledge, secret knowledge, above faith.

The only values I can see in studying them are in illuminating the epistles that refer to it - and learning how not to approach your walk with Christ from them.

9:23 PM, April 28, 2005  
Blogger Milton Stanley said...

That's exactly right, Keith. I read about a famous movie star who recently converted to "Christianity," and part of what sealed the deal for her was reading the Nag Hammadi writings. As I'm sure you know, most of those writings are Gnostic. It's sad to see the same old heresies coming back again after the church fought so hard in the early days to overcome them.

5:08 AM, April 29, 2005  

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