Friday, January 20, 2006

Christians and bumpy roads

Rob Waller considers the "Just World Theory," that good deeds result in good outcomes and vice-versa. He points out the shortcomings, however, of thinking life is always that simple:
It doesn't help when Christians teach that life is what you make of it and if you are not suceeding in your life then this must be all your own fault. I believe that God wants us to prosper and that if we follows his ways we will see the very best for our lives - but to demand that my life goes smoothly is to manipulate God and to fail to be like my Saviour who had a far from smooth life and was ultimately killed for his beliefs.
Amen. As Rob points out, the book of Habbakuk deals with that very issue. Not to mention Job. The lesson? If we're suffering, it doesn't necessarily mean God is angry with us.


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