Friday, January 13, 2006

Writing with care

Phil McAlmond considers 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 and what Christian leaders write on the hearts of those we serve. Here are two noteworthy points from Phil's essay:
We can write or seek to write on the hearts and lives of those we serve, that which isn’t of the Lord Jesus. It may seem good and right, but if it isn’t of the Lord Jesus, then in truth, it won’t read as Him. . . .

Another important reality here is that we cannot write upon someone else’s heart what hasn’t been truly written upon ours. Paul wrote that which was from the Lord Jesus because the Lord Jesus had first written it upon His heart and life. He simply then passed on to those who would receive it, what he had first personally received.

Good points. And Phil's concluding paragraphs are even stronger.


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