Thursday, February 16, 2006

How not to preach an expository sermon

"Expositional Imposters" by Mike Gilbart-Smith is a keeper on how not to preach an expository sermon. The essay contains seven points, all worthwhile, but the middle one in particular caught my eye:
Too much preaching promotes pride in the congregation by throwing bricks over the wall towards other people’s greenhouses. Either the point of the passage is applied only to non-believers, suggesting that the Word has nothing to say to the church, or it is applied to problems that are rarely seen in the congregation that is being preached to. Thus the congregation becomes puffed up, and like the Pharisee in Jesus’ parable ends up thankful that they are not like others. The response is not repentance and faith but, "If only Mrs Brown heard this sermon!" or "Umpteenth Baptist Smorgsville, Pennsylvania really ought to have this sermon preached to them!"
(HT: Dave Bish)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was once on a silent retreat in a prayer cabin. In reading a particular passage in the Old Testament I thought, "My sister needs to hear this." Immediately the Lord said to me (not audibly but nonetheless I heard him perfectly) "That passage is for you, not your sister." I broke down in tears and repentance when I saw how it really was a "now" word for my life. I try REALLY hard to remeber that lesson as I read scripture.

9:02 AM, February 17, 2006  
Blogger Milton Stanley said...


2:36 PM, February 17, 2006  

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