Thursday, May 18, 2006

Discipleship isn't about being nice

This year Rusty Peterman has been reading through all four Gospels each month, and the effort's begun to change him:
I've reached the point that I'm ashamed at how much I watered-down the message of Jesus in my preaching and teaching for so many years. I mean it. Try to read through the Gospels and see if you get very far without finding something that Jesus said or did that shakes up your religious world.

For instance, what did growing up in church and being a preacher for a quarter of a century do for me?

It made me feel, well....nice.

But being "nice" isn't what Jesus wants to find in a person's life.
Amen, brother.


Blogger Dan McGowan said...

This is great... reminds me a lot of Steve Brown's general thrust in his book, "A Scandalous Freedom" which every believer should read.

8:56 AM, May 20, 2006  
Blogger Milton Stanley said...

I'd like to read the book; I should have time for it in about 2012! Peace.

1:31 PM, May 20, 2006  

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