Sunday, July 30, 2006

Ready to be sifted?

Dan Edelen has written another essay reminding us that the Devil and his machinations are real:
Let me simply say this: The Enemy HATES you. Lucifer and his legions would gleefully destroy your body, your home, your marriage, your children, your church…anything and everything is fair game to them, save for God's grace on your life. Many Christians do suffer from those attacks; justification does not end our encounters with the demonic! When a marriage goes south in the Christian community, Satan orchestrated that destruction from the first "I do" to the last "This marriage is over! I'm out!"

We're fools if we don't take this war seriously—and it is a war.
Dan offers helpful, biblically sound advice for Christians to deal with the demonic realm. We'd do well to pay attention. Why? "the chthonic is actively plotting ways to make each and every Christian rue the day he or she confessed Christ. Believe it."


Blogger Milton Stanley said...

I think you're right.

8:23 PM, July 30, 2006  

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