Thursday, January 25, 2007

Once again: the case for expository preaching

John Brand calls on some homiletical heavy-hitters in making the case for expository preaching. John also gives his own argument for biblical exposition:
The great problem with so much so-called preaching today is that what is being communicated and heard is not God’s Word but the preacher’s ideas and opinions which have been anchored, loosely or otherwise, on a text of Scripture. Sometimes it appears to have been done for no greater reason than convenience or perhaps to clothe what will follow with some degree of authority but, in reality, the preacher never intended to disguise the fact that his message is precisely that – his message.
So that's the great problem. What's the great solution?
The true, faithful preacher is not concerned about passing on his own views and opinions. The true preacher knows that what his congregation needs more than anything else is the authoritative, inspired Word of God. The task of the preacher is to pass on to his hearers what God has said and that is best done through expository preaching.
John's assertions are very bold, but very well supported.


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