Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Golden or gilded?

"Churches in the fifties were filled, but were they faithful?"


Blogger Unknown said...

Sinners are the same yesterday as they are today. Sin is more public then it was in the 50s so it may seem like we are worse today than we were then, but I am not convinced.
Also, people aren't into simply fitting into society as they are making their own society. They aren't into "doing the right thing because that is what everyone does." They seem to be more interested in making their own way.
Have things changed since the 50s? Yes, but sins and the sinners are still the same. We need Christ just as much today as we did then.

12:01 PM, June 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While sins and sinners have not changed..churches surely have.

I think the churches in the fifties were more christ centered than the churches of today.

There is so much ladder climbing and self-focused Christianity nowadays that it's enough to make one ill.

But Christ knows who blongs to His Church and He will always take care of them...for the Lord never forgets His people.

6:50 PM, June 04, 2008  
Blogger Milton Stanley said...

Justin, you're on target with your comments.

Steve, I wasn't around in the 1950s but I have a sense that what you write may have been true in some circles. The whole consumer mentality, for example ("What's church got to offer me?") doesn't seem to have been as prevalent 50 years ago. On the other hand, cultural Christianity ("Good, respectable Americans go to church on Sundays") seems to have been more so.

Thanks to both of you brothers for sharing your thoughts.

11:34 AM, June 05, 2008  

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