Friday, July 18, 2008

Building on sand

This makes sense:
Conventional ministry wisdom goes something like this: When launching a new church, first analyze the felt-needs within the target area or population. Then construct ministries to address those felt-needs. Felt-needs based ministries will draw people to your church, and simultaneously positively predispose seekers to the gospel message. In this scenario, caring for peoples’ felt-needs plays a supporting role in the mission.

What if this conventional wisdom is wrong?

The idea outlined above is what I was taught in seminary, it’s what I read frequently in ministry books, and it’s what I see practiced virtually everywhere I go. But I increasingly suspect that the theological foundation for felt-needs based ministry may be sand rather than stone.
Amen. The quote is from Skye Jethani at Out of Ur, and I recommend reading the whole article. Once again I'm reminded of the best evangelism and discipleship advice I've ever heard outside the Bible itself: What we attract them with, we attract them too.


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