Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Truth and knowledge

Vicki Gaines has been reflecting on how info-gathering is not the same as truly knowing:
We desperately need an intimate, divine revelation of Jesus Christ in our own hearts, or we'll become spiritual parrots. Knowing things about Him won't change us. Abiding (there's that word again) is what changes us. Abiding in Him through His Word is the only way we're renewed and transformed, day to day. As we partake more and more of Him, we mature in Him. But remember - others can't reveal Christ to us, nor can I. Only Christ reveals Himself through the power of His Holy Spirit as we feast on His Word.

Too many in the Church today are reading and hearing regurgitated info about God, a poor substitute for going to the Source. His Word is precious, my friends. If ever it were removed from our close possession, we'd realize, sadly, how much we've taken it for granted.


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