Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Going deeper

For the scholarly-inclined, it's good to be reminded that "there's more to the deeper life than learning information":
As walls come down in my life, I've sometimes faced different layers of doubt, fear, and uncertainty. Assailed by venomous thoughts, I need Jesus, not data. Sadly, many pursue knowledge about the Person, without ever abiding in the Person. Maybe it takes a crisis to know the difference.

Our Christian life isn't an intellectual pursuit. To approach the bible this way is to miss the whole point. Sure, I appreciate good scholars and theologians. I'm not saying to study is a waste, either - please hear my heart. But I go to His Word to meet Him there, to pour out my need, and to receive from Him. Everything else is extra.

To experience Christ's life, the so-called "deeper" life, we must find Him as vital as the air we breathe.


Blogger Unknown said...

It is an excellent thought. I appreciate you. May God continue to bless you as you go deeper is His love and thus find His great treasure of blessings awating you.

Pastor Nathanael S. Munshi
Bethel Assemblies of God
Dhaka, Bangladesh

11:24 AM, October 24, 2008  
Blogger Milton Stanley said...

Thank you for your kind words. May God bless all Christians and all people in Bangladesh. Peace.

5:38 PM, October 30, 2008  

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