Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sin and rebellion

How many Christians are operating under the impression that all sin is the same? J.D. Hatfield explains that such a conception is, quite simply, wrong:
Some sins are worse than others. Yes they are. They are worse in what they do. They wreck you faster and more completely. They damage others more severely. They reach out further and make it harder for you to come back to God. Oh, His hand isn’t so short it cannot save you, but the further you are away, the more it is going to hurt you to get back, that is for sure.

How many people are leaving the door open for the devil? Many, but how many are assigning him a permanent place at the dinner table? It is a different question, and I want to give an example for us to think about.

People are trying to convince themselves that living together, as an unwed couple, is the same as any other sin. Well, it is the same in THAT it is a sin, and it is the same in that it is the same as some OTHER types of sin, but it is NOT the same as any old sin. It has much more disastrous consequences than many people realize or are willing to admit. Staying in sin is much worse than playing with sin. Yes any sin is bad, but inviting it to stay is like inviting the devil to come in through an always-open door.

There is a difference between continuing to make bad choices, falling back and repenting, etc., and having ONE choice to make but refusing to do it. . .


Blogger nannykim said...

Great point....very good.

1:38 PM, May 20, 2009  
Blogger Milton Stanley said...

Thanks for saying so. J.D. is frequently challenging in his writing.

2:35 PM, May 21, 2009  

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