Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Announcement and appeal

As of this month I’ve finished my one-year pastoral care residency in Chattanooga and its accompanying three-hours-per-day commute. That means, on the one hand, that I have time once again for blogging. On the other hand it means I’m once again out of a full-time job.

Before going into full-time congregational ministry I worked for thirteen years as a writer. The church I now serve pays me only part-time, and the members expect me to have another full-time job. One of the greatest benefits of working for the past year in a level-one trauma center is the gift of clarity: while I like being a chaplain, I love being a writer.

So here’s the appeal. I’m praying and looking to make my living once again as a writer, but I don’t know where to find good, paying work while living in Mud Creek, Tennessee. I know the work is out there, but the Internet is dizzyingly and frustratingly full of options—most of which, it seems, pay little or nothing. Years ago I came to understand that, although I had an active part to play in the process, it was our Lord who kept bringing work my way. And so I learned to stop flailing and start trusting.

Today I’ve begun to flail less and pray more. I’ve also begun to ask for help. I have professional experience in so very many kinds of writing—procedures and operating instructions, environmental assessment, adult-education workbooks, organizational history, grant writing, marketing, Bible-study curricula, devotional writing, human interest stories, editorials, news, and fiction. When people ask me what kind of writing I do, I say, “What kind of writing do you need?”

If you or anyone you know might need a writer, please know that I’m available.  For now you can reach me by email at miltonsenior AT gmail DOT com.


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