Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Leading people to the gospel of grace

The site linked below on Postmodern preaching can help us avoid the stereotypes of Christians that Marvin Olasky writes about in his article, "How to hurt evangelism" (HT: Christianity Today Weblog):
Last year I asked students at the first meeting of my regular University of Texas course on Journalism and Religion to give on paper their top-of-the-head responses (while I read the roll) to this question: "How do Christians act?" Here are typical answers: "Fanatical. Cram religion down others' throats. Trying to force others to do everything their way. Bossing, not helping, others."

That's not the reputation that leads people to listen to the gospel of grace. We are to love God not only with all our heart, soul, and strength, but also with all our mind. That means constantly reexamining our own understanding and tactics.
"Postmodern" preaching doesn't mean we deny absolute truth. It means we preach with personal authenticity, relevance, and a biblical emphasis. Isn't that what all Christian evangelism is about?


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