Friday, December 02, 2005

2 Samuel 21:19 -- Oh, brother

Claude Mariottini, professor of OT at Northern Baptist Seminary, looks at how the TNIV and other English versions translate the well-known "problem" passage of 2 Samuel 21:19 (this link is to parallel translations; please note how significantly the first two differ). Dr. Mariottini's post points up how easily translation can move into excessive interpretation, and it offers a possibile solution to the problem of who killed Goliath:
In light of the recent discovery of the name “Goliath” in the remains of the site of the biblical city of Gath, the translation of the TNIV may be suspicious . . . . According to the archaeologist who found the broken piece of pottery with the name “Goliath,” the name was used one hundred years after the time of David. So, it is possible that the name “Goliath” was used to designate a special type of soldier, like “marines” or “navy seals.” If it is proved to be true that Goliath was the name of a champion warrior in the army of the Philistines, then David killed one Goliath and Elhanan killed another Goliath
For more thoughts on the passage, be sure to read the comments section of Dr. Mariottini's post.


Blogger GSH said...

The parallel bible at is an excellent reference that also has a Hebrew lexicon.

The definition fo Goliath from Hebrew is exile; Goljath, a Philistine -- Goliath.

As two different time periods are clearly referenced, these two Goliaths could be related by the fact that they were both Philistines.

9:20 AM, December 11, 2007  
Blogger Milton Stanley said...

Thanks for the input, Gary.

3:59 PM, December 11, 2007  

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