Friday, January 20, 2006

Grace transforms

Bob at Gratitude and Hoopla is posting excerpts from Thomas Oden's The Transforming Power of Grace. Here's a sample from the latest post:
"When the Bible is treated as a vending machine and evangelization as a marketing plan, grace is tamed and reduced to routine." p18

"Lacking grace, the task of personal growth turns into a frantic search for innovative strategies. Grace works to find that very person who is desperately searching for a strategy. We have tried to manufacture spiritual growth while missing the very grace that would enable it." p19

"Only that which is enabled by divine grace will endure in the church. All ploys and maneuvers circumventing grace will atrophy." p19


Blogger Vicki said...

"We have tried to manufacture spiritual growth while missing the very grace that would enable it."

Wow, so true. That's why all the PDL stuff drives me crazy sometimes. Marketing ploys and plans can never replace the grace of the Holy Spirit drawing a soul to Christ.

Another excellent post, Milton.

Blessings in Christ,

1:58 PM, January 20, 2006  
Blogger Milton Stanley said...

Amen, and thanks, Vicki. And thanks to Bob for sharing the good work from T. Oden. Peace.

5:47 PM, January 20, 2006  

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