Friday, September 15, 2006

What's better than sports cars and clowns?

Doug McHone urges us to "preach big or go home":
After all, there is a myriad of preachers who have made a mockery of their ministries by despising the gospel for a more seeker friendly approach. We have all seen the pictures of a preacher showing up on the stage in a sports car and one who dressed up like a clown. They probably thought they were going to great lengths for God! But they forgot an important point. It is the gospel that is foolishness to those who are perishing, not their antics.
Good point. So if sports cars and clown costumes are out, what is appropriate for making an impact on our hearers?
The context regarding what sort of activity would be considered appropriate is rather simple. Go big in such a way that you honor the biggest thing. Another cliché for you: let the big thing be the big thing.
I agree. Let's stick to the big thing: Jesus Christ and him crucified.


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