Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Not just conversion, but transformation

Dan Edelen has written an outstanding post on the need for churches to emphasize not only conversion, but transformation:
I didn't know my wife the first time I met her. In many ways, I still didn't know her even on our honeymoon. Learning who she is will take me the rest of my life because the depth of her personhood will only be revealed in time.

The same goes for Jesus Christ. Most of us have barely scratched the surface of what it means to know Him. Yet the Bible says that knowing Him IS eternal life! It's not escaping hell, it's knowing the person of Jesus Christ. Deep calls to deep. If Jesus Christ and a hundred Jesus impersonators were put into a lineup, would we be able to pick the real Jesus out of the crowd of imposters? Think hard about that question.

Likewise, our conversion to Christ does not end our growth as Christians. Too often, though, our churches act like they have no more to tell us once we say yes to the Lord. "Just don't do bad things now" is the extent of the post-conversion advice.

But the Bible says that we're supposed to be changing from one degree of glory into another, a process that will take our entire lives. That is if we surrender to that process of Christ making Himself in us.
Dan, of course, is referring to 2 Cor. 3:12-18. You can find a similar theme in Romans 12:1-2.


Blogger Milton Stanley said...

You're quite welcome, Dan. Thanks for the on-target post.

8:29 PM, October 19, 2006  

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