Friday, April 04, 2014

Underneath the rust

It's been more than two years since I regularly read the blogs that informed so much of the content of this one, but today I pulled up the old reading list and began checking on many of my old blog friends.

Several haven't posted anything for months, and others have quit blogging altogether. Several, too, have moved to flashier new sites, but right now, at least, I don't feel like navigating the more complicated pages. Call me an old-school blogger.

I'm happy to say that several of my oldest and best blogging friends are still going strong, and I still recommend them all:

Dan Edelen at Cerulean Sanctum is still writing insightful critiques of the interaction culture and discipleship. This week's post about three recent faith-films hits the nail on the head yet again.

Peter Mead, probably the web's best preaching blogger, is also still going strong at Biblical Preaching with five new posts this week offering thoughts on preaching from Martin Luther.

OT professor Claude Mariottini has a new post today about a writer asking the Egyptian government to sue Israel for the Exodus plagues. I like Claude's writing, but for some reason his weblog only displays one post at a time.

Elsewhere, Rob Bradshaw continues to make serious biblical studies articles available free online at, my brothers Royce Ogle and Keith Brenton continue to write, at least occasionally, and VOM's Persecution Blog continues to shine the light on the plight of Christians around the world.

Thanks to all of you for what you do. And for those of you who, like me, have been rather inactive lately, I haven't forgotten about you, either. As always, thanks for visiting.

Update:  I just noticed that in writing this post I left off the blogger at the top of my reading list, my own blogfather Doug Floyd, who now posts at Doug Talks Torah. I especially liked Doug's post this week, "The Way of Information."


Blogger dle said...

Thanks, Milton. Hope everything is well with you.


10:04 PM, April 09, 2014  
Blogger Milton Stanley said...

Thanks so much, Dan. I'm very glad to hear from you, and I pray you and your crew are doing well. Peace.

12:44 PM, April 14, 2014  

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