Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The need for cross-centered preaching

Over at Mr. Standfast Bob is continuing to meditate on the cross of Christ. In thinking about Mel Gibson's The Passion (which neither he nor I have seen), Bob points out that somewhere along the line preachers haven't done enough to hold up the cross in their preaching:
Another response to the film that troubled me: people were saying, no doubt sincerely, that the movie made them appreciate at last what a high price Jesus paid for our sins. That's all good, but it also points out to us, I think, the glaring lack of Cross-centered preaching in our Evangelical churches. How can it be that a New Testament people, as we say we are, could have so under-valued the Cross for so long? Why do we need a movie to make it real for us, when someone like Martin Luther certainly did not (to name but one among millions of pre-video era Christians for whom the Cross was nevertheless all in all).
Good point.


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