Thursday, June 22, 2006

Strength in weakness

Bob of Gratitude and Hoopla reminds Christians of the need to "de-spectacularize":
Jesus says the Kingdom comes quietly, invisibly, spreading its influence like yeast in dough, but the corporate model of growth--bigger and bigger buildings, more TV networks--seems distinctly counter to that.
Kirk Wellum has written some timely reflections along similar lines:
Well, I wonder if 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 does not hold the key, even though I know it is dangerous to talk about "a key" to anything in the Christian life. It would seem from Paul's experience and mature reflection that power and strength are not tied to well-run organizations, or slick promotional material, or expository preaching, or finding the right songs to sing and structuring the worship service just so; although surely none of these things are wrong in and of themselves. Neither are power and strength tied to having the right version of the Bible, or view on divorce, or the role of women in the church; although once again all of these things are important in their own place. The experience of Christ's power is ironically tethered to weakness! It comes to us when we come to the end of ourselves and our resources


Blogger Vicki said...

Refreshing thoughts--and much appreciated.

One might wonder how long these mega church corporate-designed models will last, if they're depending on slick technology rather than the meat of the Word to let the Spirit draw whom He will.

11:02 AM, June 23, 2006  
Blogger Milton Stanley said...

I wonder that, too. It all depends on what's fueling them, I suppose. Peace.

12:42 PM, June 23, 2006  

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