Sunday, August 06, 2006

Is it really about the children?

I've tended to avoid posting about social trends, because it all too easily leads into side tracks about politics. But because many trends in society can lead Christians away from faithful discipleship, you will see social commentary here from time to time. Here, for example, is something from Touchstone Magazine blog, where Russell Moore looks at the move toward all-day Kindergartens and wonders if something other than educational quality isn't involved:
The push toward all-day kindergarten or year-round grade school or "after school programs" that last until 6 or 7 PM are almost always framed in terms of educational quality, what's best for the child. If it's really about freeing up parents to work, then let's at least be honest about that. Only then, might we be able to have a conversation about how to address the very real economic and social strains all around us.

I'm less worried about public school systems putting scholar's caps on toddlers than I am about local churches not thinking through and teaching that it is okay to let children be children.


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