Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Bible's not a love letter to you or me

Todd Bolen reminds preachers that the Bible is not God's love letter to you or me:

It’s easier to speak in specifics rather than in general terms, so let’s take the book of Samuel as our example. The book of Samuel had an author (or authors) and it had an audience. That is, the person(s) who wrote Samuel wrote it for a reason and for a certain readership. And it wasn’t me (or you). This sounds basic, but it is increasingly important in a world (and church) that doesn’t seem to appreciate context and recognize boundaries. While the book of Samuel may be difficult to nail down exactly who wrote it, when they wrote, and exactly to whom they wrote, I think we can all agree that the audience was a group of Jewish people sometime between 1000-500 B.C. We don’t need to be more specific for our purposes now. So the point is that the original audience cannot be me (I’m not Jewish) and it can’t be you (unless you’re 2500 years old).

But, you ask, isn’t there a way in which Samuel is for us. Yes, indeed. But that way is not to pretend as if that book was written to and for us. Instead, it is to understand the meaning of Samuel as intended by its original author(s) to its original hearers/readers. That, and only that, meaning is what you must seek. You cannot start with “what is Samuel saying to me?” Once you’ve determined what Samuel is saying to its audience, then you can determine what application it has for your life.

Sounds like rock solid advice (HT: Expository Thoughts). By the way, you can find earlier posts along the same lines here and here.


Blogger Weekend Fisher said...

We can't afford to denigrate any of God's message, and particularly not the fact that it speaks of God's love for all people of all times.

Calling the Bible a "love letter" denigrates the Bible's message of love and sets up an easy straw man to refute. It is not a "love letter" but the message of love is more than a "love letter", not less. It is a gracious book with a message of God's love.

7:28 AM, September 21, 2006  
Blogger Milton Stanley said...

Excellent point. Thanks for commenting.

12:27 PM, September 21, 2006  

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