Sunday, June 25, 2006

Overcoming our strengths

Yes, you read that right. The idea comes from Wes Haddaway, who writes at Leadership Journal on overcoming his own strengths in ministry:

As I have learned to rely on God in the areas of weakness, it has been a blessing to see God work despite my weaknesses, sometimes by doing so much more than I even hoped and prayed he would do. While I remain concerned about my weaknesses, it's my strengths that may be the undoing of my leadership.



Blogger Dan McGowan said...

This is a great thought... how many church leaders (including US) tend to rely on our HUMAN abilities to carry us through in "ministry" vs. relying upon God in the power of His Holy Spirit to TRULY aid us in TRUE MINISTRY at our church?

There have been more times than I like to admit that I have led musical worship on "auto pilot" - where my mere talent and ability is what took us from song #1 through to song #5... nobody in the church even knew it... but, praise God, there have also been those times when I have started our musical worship portion of the service and simply ALLOWED (isn't it funny, how we say that - that we ALLOW God to work?) the Holy Spirit to lead the time - even to the point of (dare I say it) actually CHANGING SONGS in the MIDDLE OF OUR SET!!

Yes, let's be aware of our strengths (and limitations) but let's operated under the LEADERSHIP of the Holy Spirit - cuz, ya know, he has a better handle on stuff than we do...

7:19 AM, June 26, 2006  
Blogger Milton Stanley said...

You're right about The HS having a better handle on stuff than we. Glad you sometimes "allow" God to have the reins. Peace.

1:14 PM, June 26, 2006  

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