One year ago today the first post at Transforming Sermons stated that "This blog is for preachers who want to preach transforming sermons and other Christians who want to experience them." That's still the goal -- to help all Christians be transformed more and more into the image of Christ.
When I began this blog I thought it would primarily be of interest to preachers, but it's come to be read by Christians of all vocations. Over the past twelve months I've begun to blog a little less about preaching and a little more about discipleship in general. That emphasis, I hope, is of benefit to all Christians. Still, I always write with fellow preachers in mind, because if our own hearts are not transformed, why would anyone else want to hear what we have to say?
In the coming year I hope to continue posting twice each day, except for Saturdays. And as I've been doing, the emphasis will be more on others' writing than my own. The Internet is full of good material, and this blog is a place where all Christians, especially preachers, can find links to some of that material.
God has blessed me in so many ways through this blog---through giving me a ministry of sorts during the four months I was unemployed, through the virtual fellowship of like-minded souls, through the privilege of reading and sharing some of the best, most encouraging, and most soul-scorching writings on the web.
May this site be a blessing to you, and in all things may we give the glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who makes all things new.